Monday, November 15, 2010

November 2010

In their book Essential Church? , Thom and Sam Rainer explore the reasons why 18-22 year olds drop out of church . They discovered that 70% of churchgoers at this age drop out for a time - usually because of a life change (like going away to college and not getting attached to a church fellowship there). That's bad news. But the good news is that 30% of people in that age group remain active in the church!

The research also discovered that those who stay active (and those who return) share a common characteristic: they study the Bible on their own. In other words, there is a definite correlation between Bible knowledge and church involvement. Those who know the Bible are involved in church!

How can we take this information and make our Small Groups better? We need to be encouraging our folks to learn how to feed themselves. In some Small Groups, there is virtually no expectation that the members come prepared. In fact, they may not even know what the passage or topic will be until they show up. The teacher is well-prepared, but the class is not. Everyone just shows up, hears the lesson, and goes home. If there is discussion, it is typically not very informed.

How can you - as the leader - create the expectation for your people to prepare for Small Group meetings? How can you make vibrant and meaningful discussion happen? The answer: you provide them with Bible study material and reward them for using it. Let them know what's coming this Sunday and next. Creating the opportunity and expectation for members to come prepared will not only help them personally; it will create a more dynamic group discussion. People will understand better what God is saying to them instead of just offering random opinions uniformed by personal Bible study.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 2010

Over the past two months, I have presented FJU (An Intentional Discipleship Program) to our church staff, deacons, and small group leaders. It has been very well received, and we have a host of people who see the merit, understand the vision, and have expressed an interest in getting involved. The feedback has been excellent.

We will kick off FJU the first weekend of January.

There have been some common questions voiced – which I will try to address here:

1) Are we sure that the four month period for each class is best? We have gone round and round about the time frame for the courses and finally agreed that four months is a reasonable period of time to cover the material for each course. As we debated about the possibility of matching it with our current quarterly system, it was pointed out that our current quarters don’t run concurrent with the calendar year (ie. Dec.-Jan.-Feb.). So, if we began this program in Jan., we couldn’t match it anyway.

2) What form will the recognition come in for our “graduates?” I want to minimize any recognition because that is not the point of this ministry. The point is to offer some helpful courses and make better disciples. Nobody is going to invest in 12 FJU courses just to earn a fake diploma. The motivation has to be to grow closer to Christ in knowledge and grace.

3) What happens if a teacher cannot finish the material in 16 weeks? That is not an option. The burden will be on the teacher to keep things moving along. There has to be uniformity for this program to work. At this point, it looks like we’ll be offering three FJU classes during the First Session of 2011. All three will begin on Jan. 2 and conclude on Apr. 17. I am already excited about the Second Session and the Appreciation for Church Music course that John Peters and Rodney Pendell will be offering during the 9:30 hour!

4) What if someone wants to teach an elective not offered on the current list? Come by and talk to me about it. Our electives are all in the “idea” stage right now. If it fits in with the vision of our church, I’d love for some teachers to offer creative electives.

5) What happens if our Small Group doesn’t want to participate, but then we lose some members to these courses? Well, you’re not really “losing” anybody. Anyone who takes a course is still a part of your Small Group. The FJU courses do not replace Small Groups; they supplement our current system. Many of our Small Groups are like little families. The members take care of each other and look after one another. I would hope and pray that this continues, and that no group feels threatened by any additional opportunities.

I would like to have a meeting on Sun. Oct. 24 at 6:00 p.m. in my office with those who plan on being involved with FJU in the coming year. We will finalize details and nail down our course offerings for the First Session of 2011.

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 2010

When Ray was a teenager, he didn’t know much about God. He was like most kids, consumed with entertainment and doing whatever it took to try to impress his friends. After going through a series of bad circumstances in his personal and family life, he found himself reaching out to God. As he sat down one day, he began to read from his mother’s Bible. The more he read, the guiltier he felt. Finally, he dropped to his knees and cried out, “Jesus, forgive me!” It wasn’t much of a prayer, but something stirred within him. He knew that God had heard him and saved him. Fortunately, a Christian friend soon came into his life and helped him to understand his experience and explain to him that he was now destined for heaven because of what Jesus had done for him.

Ray’s conversion is a classic story of sin and repentance. He wasn’t asking deep questions or looking for proofs of God’s existence. He just came to the point where he knew that he was a sinner and needed a Savior. His conversion was spiritual and emotional; he could only explain it by saying, “God did something to me!”

Soon after Ray got saved, he started attending church. But he began to sense the missing mental element of his faith. Now that God had moved in his life, he wanted to learn more about who God was. He even began attending three services every Sunday – at three different churches! However, he wasn’t learning enough to satisfy his insatiable spiritual hunger. Out of desperation, he applied for a job at a Christian bookstore just to gain access to spiritual reading. There, he immersed himself in books on theology and apologetics from men like Francis Schaeffer, C.S. Lewis, R.C. Sproul, and J.I. Packer. He also read the classic works by Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, and Calvin. Ray finally felt like he was being fed. Unfortunately, today, he is still trying to find a church in his area that will minister to the whole person, including the mind.

Ray’s story is a collective testimony of lots of people that I’ve encountered as a pastor. They understand and appreciate the saving work of Christ, but they also want to go deeper. Like the writer of Hebrews observed, they are ready for solid food (Heb. 5:14).

This September will mark four years of ministry for my family at Fort Johnson Baptist Church. The longer I’m here, the more I’ve become aware of the significant challenges that face us. Apart from our debt, I’m convinced that the biggest challenge that faces our church family is in the area of Discipleship. For many years, our Education Ministry has not been reaching its potential. As a result, we have a tremendous deficit in personal growth and spiritual maturity. This has resulted in frustration and church conflict over petty issues. It’s time to “grow up” in Christ. We can all be more fruitful. God expects more from us.

To some extent, our discipleship deficit has been inherited. Almost from our inception, Southern Baptists have taken a back seat regarding scholarship and learning. We come from a tradition linked to the First and Second Great Awakenings, with its strong revivalist style that downplayed doctrine and appealed to ordinary folk. It was strongest in the Southern states and included our denomination, Methodists, and the Churches of Christ. The Northern states enjoyed a more scholarly approach, and this was typified by the Congregationalist, Presbyterian, and Episcopalian churches.

Southerners loved the revivalist style, which emphasized personal conversion and the “religion of the heart.” Conversions were supposed to be intense and emotional. Meetings were theatrical and lively, and aimed to get people to stop drinking and to get along! There was a general distaste for anything ceremonial or instructive. To be a Christian did not necessarily mean that a person had to be part of a church; it just meant that he/she had that one-time conversion event. As a result, many people were brought to faith, but never grew beyond the early “decision.” Since religion was defined in terms of emotion, theology and doctrine and the “whys” of what we believe were pretty much neglected. Pastors were judged more on their ability to inspire than to teach. Jonathan Edwards, for example, said, “Our people do not so much need to have their heads stored, as to have their hearts touched.”

While it’s true that we shouldn’t neglect a personal relationship with God in favor of head knowledge alone, one can’t read the New Testament without getting around the fact that God wants us to reason out our faith, learn to serve Him better, and engage the lost and dying world around us! We don’t have to settle for a religion that is all heart and no brain. We can respond to the Lord in obedience, who told us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The idea that religion is all about a one-time conversion event has led to generations of people who haven’t done any growing in the faith at all – “I’m saved, so I can do what I want.”

I don’t know if you can tell a difference in my preaching this year, but I’ve aimed to be more cerebral in my approach. When I was talking with my wife last year about a series I wanted to do on the history of worship, I told her I was afraid that I might lose some people in the details. She responded, “You need to be the teaching pastor that you are!” I appreciated her challenge. I don’t want to lose the seekers who attend Fort Johnson every weekend, but then I also don’t want to lose those who want to exercise their minds beyond the basic salvation message. I don’t want people to leave church saying, “That was a nice message;” I want them to be talking about it over lunch. I enjoy receiving phone calls and e-mails later in the week with questions about the sermon and requests for copies. I desire the same for the lessons that are given in our Small Group ministry.

One of the ten principles that guide all that we do at Fort Johnson (as expressed through our 101 Membership Class) is that we will “continue to renew and reorganize the structure of our church.” Just as Jesus talked about the inability for old wineskins to hold new wine, we must be willing to provide new venues for ministry if we are going to reach today’s generation. There is a hunger out there for an intelligent faith. Let’s try to meet that need.

With all that said, let me introduce you to FJU – Fort Johnson University. This is a concentrated program of discipleship that will be implemented through our Small Group ministry in 2011. It’s not a real college, of course, but those that “graduate” from FJU will be recognized and rewarded. More than that, I believe that they will be equipped as Christian disciples to do much more for the Kingdom of God. As I’ve preached in our Names of God series, it’s important both to know God and know about Him. Both are meaningful in a relationship.

To “graduate” from FJU, a person will have to complete 6 core courses and 6 electives. Every four months, a new series of classes will be offered. There will be two or three offered per session (at both 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. on Sundays). In theory, a person could take two at a time, but I wouldn’t recommend it since there will be intense Bible study and possibly outside application assignments. If a person took three courses a year, that individual would “graduate” in four years. It might be the best four years he/she ever spent in church!

This is still in development, but here is what we’re considering as possibilities for our core classes:
• Old Testament I & II
• New Testament I & II
• Systematic Theology
• Prayer & Spiritual Disciplines
• Finding Your SHAPE in Ministry
• Sharing Your Faith

Here are some electives that we are thinking about offering:
• Experiencing God
• The Bride of Christ (The Church)
• Creative Arts in the Bible
• Defending the Faith (Apologetics)
• Mommy Coaching (A Ladies’ Class)
• Daddy Coaching (A Men’s Class)
• What to Do Before “I Do”
• Managing Your Finances God’s Way
• Practical Christianity: Developing a Working Career Philosophy Through a Christian Worldview
• Christianity and the Media
• World Religions
• Creation vs. Evolution
• Worship Wars
• Baptist History
• Any book of the Bible study

I’m convinced that there are many ways that this will shore up our Small Group ministry and make it more effective:

• Sometimes a Small Group leader feels “trapped” in his/her position and feels like he/she cannot step down without disappointing the group. This will enable that leader to make the transition to something new. That leader may want to teach one or more of these courses or simply be a learner for awhile.
• Sometimes people feel “trapped” in a Small Group because they have attended the group for a long time. They are afraid that, if they leave, they will hurt the teacher’s feelings. This will enable them to make the transition to something new without making it personal.
• This will replace our current Membership Class system. Our 101 Introduction to Membership Class is still necessary for all new members to become acquainted with the vision and strategies of our church. However, attendance in 201, 301, and 401 has been in decline for several years (only 2 people went through 401 in all of 2009!). Those who were initially interested went through the courses long ago. There seems to be no motivation anymore for others to plow through them. The material is excellent and doesn’t need to fall by the wayside. So, that material will be presented through our FJU system to a whole new audience. We will retain 101 on Sunday nights but will not continue to offer 201 through 401. (Those who have completed 301 in the past will get “credit” for taking “Finding Your SHAPE in Ministry.” And those who have completed 401 will get “credit” for the “Sharing Your Faith” course.)
• We will also be moving our Saturday night worship folks to Sunday. We have debated for many months about our current four worship service weekend schedule, and my primary reservation in cancelling Saturday night worship has been that one of our strongest Small Groups meets at that time. Billy Tennyson’s group has been in discussion about this move, and they are ready to transition to Sunday morning; their group will be meeting at 9:30 a.m. This will enable them to participate in FJU, as well. (Incidentally, moving from 4 services to 3 will take a huge burden off of our volunteers, Saturday staff, and even the expenses incurred in the use of the facility on that day. It will also make our sanctuary available for Saturday weddings.)

I would imagine that many (if not most) of our current Small Groups will continue to meet at their regular times and choose their own literature. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. This new track is for those who are hungry for something different, and that does not describe everyone. In other words, FJU does not replace our current Small Group system; it supplements it.

At this point in the development process, I need your help. I need you to consider what objections people may have to such a change in thinking regarding Small Groups. What questions might they have? What might be the unintended consequences of revamping our Small Group ministry? I need you to tell me where you might fit in to the new system (will you be maintaining your current Small Group, will you be interested in teaching some of these courses, or will you be joining as a learner?). I fully anticipate some Small Groups saying, “You know, we’ve been in a rut, and we’d like to meld into the FJU system and do some of these courses.” Others will say, “What we’ve got is working, and we’re going to stay the course.” Please plan on attending the Adult Small Group meeting this Sunday, Sep. 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary to discuss these upcoming changes.

In Christ,

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 2010

School teachers know that it’s no use trying to enforce the rules if they aren’t posted. So, in many classrooms, you will see the teachers’ rules prominently displayed. These guidelines bring order to the group and clarify the teachers’ expectations for their class.

Likewise, every Small Group in church should have a vision and/or certain expectations from its members. You might think of these as “ground rules” that everyone should follow. Without these rules, the group will be unfocused, and attendees may even have competing agendas.

A few years ago, Serendipity House published suggested ground rules for small groups. These are expectations that would help almost any small group become (or stay) healthy. You can adopt these or make up some of your own:

PARTICIPATION: Small Group is not a spectator sport. Everyone participates.

HONESTY: Small groups are imperfect groups for imperfect people in an imperfect church.

RESPECT: Differences of opinion are honored, and “dumb” questions are encouraged.

MISSION: Small groups are always open to new people, and newcomers are welcome.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Anything said in the room stays in the room.

ATTENDANCE: Small Group meetings are given priority – except in case of emergency.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Small Group members are free to share each week on their spiritual walk with Christ.

Incidentally, I've been a fan of Serendipity Bibles since being called into the ministry sixteen years ago. Serendipity Bibles have all kinds of questions for discussion that can help anybody facilitate a great learning experience. I’ve often said that if I can come up with 10 good questions, I can lead any group in a terrific Bible study for at least an hour.

I have a stack of Serendipity New Testaments in my office and, if you don’t have one, I’d love to give you one free of charge. The notes are moderately academic and application-based. The majority of the discussion questions on every page are timeless and will help deliver a great Bible study. I use at least one question a week in preparing for my Wed. night (Small Group) adult Bible study. It helps to set the tone so that, with God, we can learn from each other.

In the next Small Group blog, I’ll be sharing with you how our Small Group structure at Fort Johnson will be changing a little bit next year. If you’re looking for a new challenge, wanting to narrow your discipleship focus, or even feeling burnt out, help is on the way!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

July 2010

The Small Group concept is nothing new. It's been around since Jesus chose and trained the twelve disciples. Jesus obviously knows how to lead them better than anybody, and so we'd be wise to observe and learn from how He did it.

Small Groups should be focused on horizontal relationships (personal) and the all-important vertical relationship (spiritual). Jesus' disciples were lifelong partners and fellow learners, but more than that, they were constantly being pointed to God. Many Small Groups are successful in connecting people with each other, but are less ambitious about encouraging a dynamic relationship with the Lord. Leaders, let me encourage you to be very diligent about your own walk with God and consistent in your daily quiet times with Him.

When it comes to your small group focus, ask yourself how much class time is being spent on chatter about television, sports, hobbies, politics, pet peeves, families, common interests, and shared experiences. Now how much class time is being spent on Bible study? The former will be helpful in relationship development, but the latter is absolutely vital.

I'm constantly hearing from Small Group leaders that are fighting a slippery slope toward become nothing more than a social gathering, Christian clique, or personal platform. If the Small Group becomes one of these, it will become exclusionary and will eventually frighten off new members and cause the group to wither and die.

Ask yourself if lives are being transformed. Does your teaching encourage regular Bible study? Are you teaching your "sheep" how to feed themselves from Scripture? Are you showing members how to apply what they're learning to their own lives?

The goal of your Small Group should be changed lives. As our Small Groups grow, Fort Johnson grows.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

June 2010

Years ago, when President Ronald Reagan was being rushed to emergency surgery to remove a potential assassin’s bullet, he asked his surgeon, “Are you a Democrat or Republican?” The surgeon wisely replied, “Today, Mr. President, we are all Republicans.” The national crisis had brought the country together and set aside political partisanship. All Americans were part of the same family.

We need to remind ourselves that we, Christians, are all a part of the same family. Minor issues have a way of allowing us to become conflicted in the Body of Christ. Today, the church finds itself with a declining influence and declining spirituality in America. If we ever want to reach the lost, then we don’t need to be fragmented as a family. We need to come together in unity, focus, and purpose.

A bereaved family reminded me last week of how important it is to be a part of a Small Group. As members of Fort Johnson, they shared with me how moved they were by the outpouring of love and support they received from their class. It is times like that that remind us that we shouldn’t take our relationships for granted. Perhaps now, more than ever, we need to come together as God’s children who are part of God’s family. In church, we learn (and practice) how to love each other, care for each other, and pursue unity in our family of faith.

What will you do this summer to build up the family of God? The summer offers some great opportunities for fellowship. Would you be willing to host a fellowship for your Small Group? Would you be willing to reach out and make the extra effort to invite those on the “fringes” of your group that desperately need to be included? Would you be willing to plan an outing and include EVERYONE on your class roll?

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2010

Just like you, I love to teach God's Word. What a thrill it is to communicate God's truth and see the lightbulbs going on above the heads of your learners! How gratifying it is to see eager students of the Bible seek to apply it to their lives.

Just like you, I'm always looking for new and innovative ways to improve my communication. I've found that one tool that keeps teaching fun (and fascinating) is the use of objects. Conventional teaching is auditory in nature, but communication that stimulates multiple senses can really make an impact. When was the last time you gave a lesson that not only involved hearing, but also sight, touch, smell, or taste? I promise you that you'll have greater class interest if you can bring more of the whole person into the learning process. You'll keep their attention and help long-term retention, as well.

Let me give you some examples. This past week, I led a Senior Adult Bible Study on the topic of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. As I thought and prayed about the Garden theme, I asked myself what kind of object lesson might make an impact. From my own gardening experience, I know that Miracle-Gro helps plants reach greater potential for health and growth. I began the study with an explanation of what Miracle-Gro does; I even read the benefits off of the box label! I compared it to a resource that Jesus often drew from in order to fulfill His mission: prayer. Prayer is like Miracle-Gro for Christians; it helps us to reach greater potential for spiritual health and growth. Having that simple tool in front of me arrested the attention of my learners.

In two weeks, I'll be starting the Letters to God series, in which I've petitioned our church members to submit questions for God. It has been an eye-opening experience to see what people are concerned about and what issues they struggle with. I have a stand-up mailbox that I'll be leaving on the stage during the series to capture the theme. It's corny and gimmicky, but it will work to establish our purpose for those weeks.

I've been told that the sermon series' that people most remember have been linked to multisensory object lessons: the Gilligan series on the Seven Deadly Sins, the Spiritual Treasure series that incorporated a weekly treasure hunt, and the Benaiah sermon in which I narrated his story with dramatic music playing in the background.

Object lessons are not just for children. Adults love them, too. Why don't you try incorporating a few and see how it goes? Here are three guidelines to help you as you branch out into more effective teaching:

1) Start simple. Don't begin with complicated elements. Use a simple prop like a tire iron, golf club, bottled water, salt shaker, magnet, trumpet, basketball, or piece of fruit to make a point. Once you've mastered the simple lesson, you can move on to more complicated elements.

2) Keep it manageable. Trying out a new teaching method can make you feel self-conscious. Make sure your object lesson complements (and does not distract from) your lesson. Your prop should create intellectual clarity, not confusion. Don't force it.

3) Make it biblical. If your sermon has biblical authority, there are all kinds of elements you can incorporate without compromising the message. Jesus and the prophets serve as excellent examples of how to use simple object lessons to drive home a point (for example, when Jesus used fishing equipment to illustrate His authority and mission).

Make plans to use an object lesson this month. Make it compelling. Make it understandable. Make it unforgettable!